Monday 18 April 2011

Which one are you!?!

I watched an interesting story on one of the early morning shows yesterday, regarding "Happiness". Apparently authorities, whomever they may be, have found the "Worlds happiest person", a Buddhist Monk of French decent, in his 60's. They, the authorities, never clarified their "boundaries or discerning qualities" which made them choose this man over any other person on this planet, however it did bring out the "Wellness scientists" so they could give a physical reasoning for his happiness and subsequent title. According to the studies undertaken, humans are born with one of two genes, ie, a "cup half full or cup half empty" gene, which dictates at least 50% of a persons personality. 40% of our personality is based on our Family life, etc, and 10% is based on life experiences which effects our heads and hearts.
Being an extremist, in particular a Gravity Rider since the mid '90's, scientists came up with a similar theory as to why we did the things we did, ie, racing Streeluges, G-Bikes or Skateboards at high speed down hills. In their opinion, all extremists, those who pushed the conventional limits of "getting our jollies", had a gene missing, a particular physical aspect to our minds which removed our fear factor. In turn, we needed to have this extra adreneline rush to react and live normally in society. It made for light reading and a good giggle amoungst every "extremeist" I knew.

So what is happiness? When I typed those few words, I looked at them and my first thought was, "You idiot.....lololol....people reading this will think you're whacked, everyone knows what happiness is". But in reality, do we really know what happiness is, do we really know our own minds, hearts, emotions enough to understand what makes us, as individuals, happy. And if we do know ourselves well enough to answer the question quietly to ourselves, are we open enough and prepared to admit to others that which brings happiness and joy to our own sphere of existance. I would hazard a guess that most people would say "No, I'm not prepared to tell others", which is almost the antipathy of happiness and it's true meaning.
Growing up in the '60's, you were taught to cloister your emotions, do what was socially acceptable and be responsible, basically a continuance of the values taught during the 40's and 50's. The '60's and '70's changed many perceptions, with the advent of drug experimentation, the sexual revolution and Vietnam. But even during this period of "emotional freedom", people spoke the words of emotional growth, but in reality it was token only, to be socially accepted. The majority of people growing up or experiencing this 20 to 30 years of change made the "movements", but inside they hid deep within themselves, still to frightened to be honest with themselves and/or others.
**Useless bit of trivia for the day: In the 1800's/early 1900's, many women suffered from Meloncholy, and would go the there local Physician for treatment. Meloncholy was basically depression and lack of attention from their Husbands. The treatment given....the Physician would caress the patient sexually until they orgasmed. Vibrators and Dildo's were developed by some Doctors so their female patients could "treat" themselves, to bring happiness back into their own lives. True!**

Within all of us, is a small boy or girl, regardless of how old we are. The child who still loves to play in the dirt, run around yelling in the playground, and occassionally throws little tantrums. The child who feels emotional pain, who cries if hurt physically or emotionally, who wants and needs to be held and told that they are not alone as they fall asleep in anothers arms surrounded and protected by that person. Regardless of how "hard/tough" we are, recognition of the inner child is paramount to learning about oneself, and in turn finding what it is within us that makes us happy.

Go meet the child within, you never know, you may like them....:) And if you think some of their attributes need to change, then help them to change, and then you can take the first step on the path to your own, personal happiness.

Just my thoughts....:)

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