My GrandFather was born in 1898, in England, and as a young man became a "boy" on the floor of a very large printing house, Camelot Printing, and over the space of 40 years he became a Director of the House. Tall, hardworking and a very careful thinker, it was my Grandad who planted most of the seeds within me to help me live my life as best I can.
One of the greatest gifts my Grandad gave to me was to instill the concept of Chivalry, from the romance of the Knights of the Round Table, to the way the concept can be lived in this day and age.
Why do I call it a gift, because it gave me a path to follow, a way of thinking and it taught me how to appreciate the kindness of others.
One of the greatest misconceptions regarding Chivalry is that it is degrading to women, when in actual fact it is the exact opposite; it acknowledges the specific attributes of Womanhood, recognising that the roles of woman and men are equal in society, that one is not above the other, but allowing the physical strength attributed to the male to be tempered by the more subtler strength of the female. The phrase "The weaker sex/fairer sex" was used alot in the 1700/1800's, but this was never generated within or based upon the Code of Chivalry, it was propogated by a group of narcissistic males who had a great many issues and wanted to control society for many reasons. In my opinion only, it was because of this attitude of male society towards woman that the Womans Movement was born, as a reaction to this ethos of conduct, and no other aspect of society at that time. Again, in my opinion only, I feel that the pendulum has swung too far in some cases, and that any gentleness, kindness or consideration shown towards some woman is seen as a weakness on side of the male, and an act of degredation towards the female recipient. For example, I have stood and offered my seat to a Lady on the train, only to be abused and told I was a chauvenistic pig, or to open a door to allow a Lady to go first, with the reply to the act being "I can do it myself, arsehole".
Quite often, you'll hear the expressin/statement "We don't live in the dark ages" in referance to the way we think in modern society, when in actual fact maybe we do live in the dark ages, because we have become so defensive and defined in our actions and the way we think that it has clouded our ability to care, to show compassion, love, respect and kindness towards not only each other, but it particular the opposite sex.
Intimacy is often confused with only being achieved within the realm of sexual acts, when it really encompasses many interactions with our partners. The way we talk to each other, the respect shown, consideration given to the others thoughts, not just the next session of sexual play, wherever/whenever it occurs.
Intimacy is born from the true core of Chivalry, and it can be related and shown within friendships as well as "life partnerships" or marriages. A partner bringing home a bunch of flowers to his/her partner at the end of their working day is not a chauvenistic act, it is merely saying "I thought of you during my day, and I wanted to do something for you".
Many theorists of humanity have portrayed humans in the negative, ie, we will instinctively look the darker side of lifes situations, but I don't think thats true. Personally, I think that many of us are longing to look at the brighter side of life, to use a cliche...:), to feel the magic of that which is around us: the gentle stroke of anothers fingers on our arms, the smile as we walk past a total stranger, to feel rain or the mornings first breath of wind on our skin, to feel the love of one to another.
The Magic of Life and Love is there for anyone who looks, and is prepared to open the doors of their heart which are sealed....we only have to look!
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