Friday, 29 April 2011

Constant parameters of Life...and Death.

The World is filled with questions....millions of questions, some of which can be answered, some which cannot, and some questions don't deserve an answer, they are simply asked not for direct knowledge to be gained, but merely to be pondered upon. A multitude of Religions exist on this planet as a way of answering certain questions: where do we come from, what is our purpose and where are we going form the basis of every religion known to Mankind. Faith is the key to selecting which religion you follow to receive the answers to the questions asked.

Most of us would assume that religion would generate the most questions asked by us, as humans, and I dare say thats probably a fair assumption. In turn, those questions asked of this topic form another aspect which is integral to what makes us differant from anything else on this planet, animal or vegetable. The sheer fact we ask questions and ponder the possible answers makes us differant. Animals, for example, generally operate on instinct, a parameter of that specific animals existance which dictates much of the day to day living/activities of that animals life.
Plants are the same: within the boundaries of "what they are", plant instinct controls what happens to a plant. For example, the Sun shines, rain falls and the plant grows. It hasn't made a conscious decision to grow, or not to grow, under those circumstances, it merely does what it knows it should:grow.
(The concept of plants having a spirit and conscious thought is for the reader to decide or dismiss, I sharn't enter that particular discussion)

Physicists, for example, study that which is around us (to simplify what they do), and work within the parameters set down by the particular discipline they are studying. Certainly more knowledge is being gained on a daily basis by these scientists, but as they learn more, they also set into place a knowledge base of "constants" which form the foundation of their movement forward on discovering more attributes of the world around us. Mathematicians are the same, dealing with "constants" and "variables" within the framework which forms the world of equations. But even though constants are found and set in place, to find a constant, you have to initially ask a question.

"The one thing I do know, is that I know nothing at all".....interesting little thought, isn't it...:)

As humans, with the intellect we posses, we are always asking questions, whether we realise it or not, and certainly some asking more questions than others. However, are we really as smart as we think we are, as we stumble along in life trying to deal with greatest quandery that exists in an individuals life...ourselves and the people around us.
Many of the old Asian religions and Faiths not only consider Celestial questions, ie, Who is God, etc, but they also recognise and deal with the questions which are raised by us regarding ourselves: our emotions and subsequent actions, our interactions with others as well as "What can my body and mind do".

After all the individuals who've made various studies on various subjects, I find it personally amazing that we seem to know so little about ourselves and others. We may know what our individual body can or cannot do, to a certain extent, and we may think we know "ourselves", but do we really know what makes us, and others, tick. Sadly, I don't think we do.
Our "driving forces" and personal "disciplines" seem to be one of the hardest "constants" to establish, by that I mean that those disciplines of right and wrong, how to treat others with love, respect and consideration, are such a huge variable between individuals, that we need to recognise and nurture those constants within ourselves first, and having once done that, we can be the true individual within each of us.

Your personal disciplines are one of the main characteristics which make us individuals, a
"variation" on every other person whom exists at this point in time, those who have gone before and those whom will come after. These personal disciplines will guide you through your life..and your death, and will be the basis of what you leave behind.
If you say you love someone, and they are your friend, mean it, do not faulter, and allow that to be a "constant".
Respect of others, sensitivity and consideration, these are the "constants" we, as humans, seem to struggle with the most, and yet they are the "constants which will bring the greatest peace in our lives".
There will be times in your life when you need to stand with a friend, when they need you. Be a "constant" for them, do it with love......and have peace within yourself.

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