Thursday, 21 April 2011

The Singing Bowl.

Some of you would know what a "Singing Bowl" is, and it's very gentle purpose and intent.

A Singing Bowl can be of various sizes, from 6 to 18 inches wide. It is made from precious metals, all hand beaten to form the specific shape of the bowl. To make the Bowl sing, you hold it in the flat of your palm, and gently strike the top rounded curve of the Bowl with a wooden striker. As the sound resonates around the inside of the Bowl, the holder places the wooden striker on the side of the Bowl and moves the striker around the rim to generate a stronger sound. Each Bowl has it's own "voice", with no two sounding the same, even if they have been forged to have the same pitch: it's a very individualistic sound.

My Bowl is only small, about 6inches across the top, with a total width of about 8inches and approx 4inches deep. It was made from beating and folding 26 precious metals, including gold and silver, and it's voice ranges from a soft hum when gently played, to a much louder, deeper and determined voice when slightly more pressure is placed on the striker and the side of the Bowl. The interesting aspect is, my Bowl doesn't like singing loudly, it's lower, softer voice has a much greater intensity to it, a far greater effect on those who hear it. Even when the Bowl is at rest, the sight of it will envoke a meditative state of mind, a gentleness and calmness of spirit and thought. The more the Bowl is played and sung, and the more the player lets the Bowls voice inside their Heart, the player will reach a point where even thinking about the Bowl will let the Mind see/hear and the Heart feel the effect of the Bowls voice, creating an atmosphere calm in troublesome moments during ones day.

Singing Bowls are mainly used for meditation, and their concept and creation is based in Tibet, with the Buddhist Monks who live and practice a very gentle lifestyle, of dedication to Faith, sincerity of Heart and Mind and Fulfillment of Spirit. (The phrases I've used are my own thoughts as best to describe the lifestyle of the Tibetan Monks, they are not meant as a definative description of Buddhism or it's practitioners)

It also seems that Singing Bowls, the true Bowls, not massed produced copies made for the "New Age" marketplace, are very choosey as to who they let play them. I know that sounds ridiculous, however I really do beleive it to be true. People have come to my home, and without asking have picked up the Bowl and tried to play it, with no sound coming from the Bowl even though the striking and holding technique were perfect. The people whom this has happened to were not like me, had a differant spirit and values, a differant way of life and considerations. Not saying mine is/was better than they, just differant. By the same token, others have asked if they could hold the Bowl, which they've gently done, and having asked if they could try and make it sing, have been able to make the Bowl come to life.

Emotions, being able to recognise and act on them, have been a major part of my life since I was young. Money has never been a motivator for me, but the smile, gentle word or gesture from another person has meant more, and always will. The softness of that which goes on around us, every second of every day, carries far greater import than glory or fame or the almighty dollar. Too often we get caught up in the "peripheral bullshit of life", and forget the the core of what life is and the effect of our actions on others.

The Singing Bowl and it's attributes remind me of what I think/feel life should be like, and a worthy way of living it.
With disrespect, the Bowl can be picked up by the wrong person and no matter how hard they "want" to play it, the Bowl will never show it's true self or allow you to hear it's individual voice. However, if it is shown respect, care and love, it will gladly share it's voice with the right people/person.
Our interactions with others are exactly the same, whether it's with a partner, friend or collegue, if treated negatively, without love, care and respect we will never experience the "truity" of that individual, nor they experience your true self.
However, if we open our hearts to individuals, with honesty, respect and love, we can show, as well as experience, everything others, as well as the World, has to offer.

Just my thoughts.

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